Hi, I'm the New Girl
Hi, I’m the new girl!
We’ve all been there right. Hid behind the ‘I’m new’ line.. aka ~ don’t judge me if I make a mistake, don’t think too much of me & your opinion is more important than mine because.. ‘hey.. I’m just.. you know.. new!’.
I have felt it multiple times – new at work, new at managing, new at teaching, new at being a mum, new at the school gates and new at this ‘business’ thing. An imposter in the shadows at each one.
“Almost 60% of would-be female entrepreneurs blamed a lack of confidence for putting them off - the belief that they are “not the kind of person” who could start a business”
A lightbulb clicked for me yesterday after talking with a mentor about just this. He said; ‘a lot of businesses worry because they are new, but they are not new at doing what they are doing, they are not new to life, in fact all their experience, skills, talent, determination has got them to this point ~ THEY are the expert in their business and life and you are in yours’.
Natwest’s #OwnYourImposter campaign backs this up; stats show 60% of women who have considered starting a business did not because of a lack of confidence, not feeling like the ‘type’ of person who could start a business or feeling they did not deserve to succeed despite their skills. https://www.natwestbusinesshub.com/content/own-your-imposter
If you do have the confidence then talking about it is something women also struggle with. In the #IamRemarkable course I run it states that most women will only apply for a job if they feel they match 100% of the criteria (whilst men are around 60%). These are some of the many reasons why only one-fifth of UK businesses are run by women. So all this feeling ‘New’ is definitely not getting us anywhere!
So, where best to head for a female founder to feel ‘not so new’. Holly Tucker’s Business SOS on is providing no-nonsense, digestible, authentic tips and support for small businesses during this crazy time. https://holly.co/smesos/ . A favourite for me recently was from Lord Bilimoria, founder of Cobra Beer talking about how to survive the toughest of time in business and get to the other side.
He gives 3 tips;
1. Build a strong Brand.
2.Get support from family and friends – this is your team who will keep you going through the struggles
3.Be true to your values and integrity
He also adds another magical thing – GUTS. Guts to do it in the first place and guts to carry on.
I may be new to this business gig and have already thought of giving up afew times, however while I drink my Cobra beer I am absorbing Bilimoria’s advice.
I am ready to own the fact there’s nothing ‘New’ about me. I am experienced, I have been here before and I am here to stay.